PacisLexis Family Law

About PacisLexis family law firm

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PacisLexis Family Law

Our core values

At PacisLexis Family law we pride ourselves on having a dedicated team of compassionate and skilled family law lawyers who understand the complexities of personal and emotional legal matters. Whether you are dealing with divorce, child custody, spousal maintenance, or any family-related issue, our team is here to guide you through every step of the process.


Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise: Our family law lawyers bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. We stay abreast of the latest legal developments to provide you with the best possible advice and representation.
  • Compassion: We understand that family matters are often emotionally charged. Our team approaches each case with empathy and compassion, ensuring you feel supported throughout the legal process.
  • Personalised Approach: We recognize that every family is unique. Our lawyers take the time to understand your specific circumstances, tailoring legal strategies to meet your individual needs.
  • Communication: Open and transparent communication is the cornerstone of our practice. We keep you informed at every stage, empowering you to make informed decisions about your case.
  • International legal expertise: From cross-border inheritance issues to international business transactions, we bring a global perspective to our practice. What sets us apart is our commitment to personalised service, tailored to meet the unique demands of each international case.

Trust PacisLexis Family Law to provide comprehensive legal solutions, safeguard your interests, and deliver results on the global stage.

Contact us today and experience the assurance that comes with having a trusted partner for your international legal needs.

PacisLexis Family Law

Respecting you without judging or biasing

Embracing a culture of mutual respect involves approaching each individual with an open mind, free from preconceived notions or biases.

At PacisLexis Family Law, we believe in fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated, and every person is treated with dignity.

By respecting others without prejudice, we promote understanding, empathy, and collaboration.

Let’s build a community where acceptance and openness prevail, creating a harmonious space for everyone to thrive and contribute their unique perspectives.

PacisLexis Family Law

Bringing skills, knowledge and large experiences together

Our law firm structures its activities by ensuring complementary skills. Everyone in the firm has had unique and personal journeys.

To grasp family law, legal knowledge alone is not sufficient. This law is rooted in an approach that involves the human aspect as much as bookish knowledge.

It’s not just about knowing law codes very well but also understanding the human realities that aren’t learned from books.

That’s why all your experiences as human beings will enrich our teams.

Your values will benefit ours.

PacisLexis Family Law

Sticking to agreements and keeping one’s word

A relationship between a lawyer and a client is built on trust. The stronger this trust, the stronger the client/lawyer tandem becomes.


To ensure this trust, the firm imposes two rules: the written rule of the fee agreement and the commitment to keep one’s word.


The values that guide our relationships within our teams are identical to those we apply to our clients.

PacisLexis Family Law

Why should you choose us?

In order to provide you with the best possible service, our firm advises you on family law, and only on family law.

Together, let’s achieve the best possible arrangement for you and your family.

family law lawyer

We are here to help

You mean more than a case. What you are going through is difficult. We will guide you through the process with empathy, care, and reassurance that you have the right team of people by your side

family law lawyer

A family law firm

We provide the best service ever and all your questions, issues and situations you are facing will get an answer.

family law lawyer

Billing and fees

We work with a clear and transparent billing whether it’s a forfait and a taylored made frame to show our progress and the work that thas been done with strict deadlines

We achieve together

Innovative lawyers and mediators

PacisLexis Family Law is a firm of innovative lawyers and mediators. Our goal is to anticipate the expectations of our customers. We strive not to be a traditional firm but to innovate on a daily basis.

avocat droit de la famille

A wired firm

Thanks to instant chat software, Whatsapp in particular, you can chat in real time with PacisLexis Family Law.

avocat droit de la famille

I-CARE our customer care service

Because the language of lawyers is sometimes difficult to understand, our customer service will listen to your comments and reviews in order to liaise with our legal teams.

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Innovative methods to solve your issues

When families break down, we help them move forward. We have spirit and we have surrogacy law specialists and an international family law department as trained mediators​

avocat en droit de la famille

Get the best for your claim

Thanks to IA, get the best result for your children maintenance payments

PacisLexis Family Law


Our family law articles

Men divorce lawyer

Men divorce lawyer

In discussions surrounding legal proceedings such as divorce, custody battles, and instances of abuse, the focus often tends to gravitate towards women’s experiences. However, it’s imperative to acknowledge that men too face unique challenges and complexities in these realms.

Marriage lawyer

Marriage lawyer

In today’s globalized world, the boundaries of love and partnership extend far beyond national borders, leading to a growing phenomenon of international marriage. For French citizens, the prospect of marrying someone from another country brings both excitement and challenges, as they embark on a journey that transcends cultural, legal, and logistical boundaries.

International disinheritance

International disinheritance

Disinheriting a child is a complex and often emotionally charged decision that involves navigating intricate legal frameworks. In France, the civil law system imposes strict rules known as forced heirship, which protect children’s inheritance rights and limit parents’ ability to disinherit their offspring. Conversely, in common law jurisdictions like England, parents enjoy greater testamentary freedom, allowing them to distribute their assets according to their wishes, including the possibility of disinheriting a child.